Tuesday 27 May 2008

Big Brother is Back

Big Brother will be back on our screens again next week as as every year I will no doubt be addicted. I say this will not happen every year and still it does....
But we have some changes to personnel; NO DERMOT!

The lovely George will be presenting with zany Zizi.

And then there's the house!
Here's some photos to keep you going till next week.

The Rottweiler Gone Walkies?

I have a funny feeling that big mouth Claire has finally made her bed after she has now been accused of cheating during tonight's supercars’ task.

The last six candidates, under the ever watchful eye of the scowling Nick Hewer and the cringing Margaret, in which the final lambs to slaughter attempt to rent out ’super expensive’ cars to members of the public.

It has been said that Claire was making secret phone calls to friends off camera in a bid to win more business and this is a clear break of the apprentice rules as all calls whether to friends, family or stranger must be on camera. It is said the others went "Up the wall." But it was all a misunderstanding and once Claire explained all to the show's producers she was let off the hook.

This is an interesting one? Were the other candidates jealous and looking for a way to oust the rottweiler from her kennel? Alex, Lee and Lucinda are on the opposing team and I can see Alex and Lee going spare over any excuse while Lucinda would try and call a meeting to rationalise about it, then demand everyone have counselling and insist that the house change their diets to fully organic vegetarian with supplements of organic multi berries.

My reason for Claire going...........THE BADGER!

She is on You're Fired tonight and Claire is the most like her compared to any other candidate there has ever been. I do not always like Claire's tactics. I think she is shallow but they all are, I'd rather see Claire walk away...sorry waddle because she does doesn't she? ....I'd rather she won over any of those men that are left. The only other woman I would like to win over her is Lucinda and I NEVER thought I would say that at the beginning.

PS AND why has she already got her own website if she has WON the role as Sir Salad's apprentice? http://www.claireyoung.co.uk/

The Apprentice Tonight 9pm


Film-maker Sydney Pollack has died of cancer at the age of 73. Yet another great name from the world of cinema to have passed through the pearly gates this year.

Pollack's biggest success was with Tootsie back in 1982 which is reputed to had earned him $14m within a year of its release. This was not bad for the man who started out as a dialogue director on John Frankenheimer's The Young Stranger at the age of 25.

Sydney Pollack went on to work with the finest actors in Hollywood and produced many magnificent films, including; The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989), The Talented Mr Ripley (1999), The Quiet American (2002), Cold Mountain (2003) and Michael Clayton (2007). He produced quality pieces of art and he "never insulted an audience's intelligence, if on occasion he strained their patience." - So one media obit reads today.

Sydney Irwin Pollack, film producer, director and actor, born July 1 1934 in Lafayette, Indiana, to Russian-American parents, Pollack went to high school in South Bend, where he fell in love with theatre. Rather than going to college, he went straight to the Neighbourhood Playhouse school of the theatre in New York. Army service was the only minor interruption plus a small Broadway debut. His next step was to return back to teach drama and then he went onto act and direct episodes of Ben Casey, The Defenders, Dr Kildare and The Fugitive.

He graduated to the big screen with War Hunt (1962), which starred Robert Redford in his debut. His first feature though was, The Slender Thread (1965), a factual based story with Sidney Poitier and Anne Bancroft. This Property is Condemned (1966), came next followed by The Swimmer (1968), a film starring Burt Lancaster. This led onto a western called, The Scalphunters (1968), and then a complete flop by the name of Castle Keep (1969); well we all have them, even superstar film director/producers!

Another 1969 film was They Shoot Horses, Don't They? Set within a depression era dance marathon, this movie became a rather large success and Pollack moved on to direct a couple of what were to become classic Pollack/Redford films next (there were seven in total); Jeremiah Johnson (1972) and The Way We Were (1974). Barbra Streisand appeared in the later singing the theme tune and making it infamous for differing reasons. So what was next? The Yakuza (1975) with Robert Mitchum, Three Days Of The Condor (also 1975), with Redford, Bobby Deerfield (1977) with Al Pacino. Ah The Electric Horseman (1979) - Who could forget this film! Absence Of Malice (1981), this starred Paul Newman and Sally Field. We then have Tootsie of course which received TEN Oscar nominations and came second to ET at the box office.

Three years later Pollack won best director and best film Oscars for Out Of Africa, starring Redford and Meryl Streep. Havana followed (1990) and again starred Redford but was a box office flop this time. John Grisham's thriller The Firm (1993), starring Tom Cruise was next out of the bag and a much safer hit. The man was a one hit movie making machine and went on to direct Sabrina (1995) and Random Hearts (1999).

In recent years, Pollack has moved towards productions and has worked on films such as Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Cold Mountain, Iris (2001), The Interpreter (2005) The man has even appeared in episodes of Will and Grace!
Sydney Pollack's last film was to have been Recount, a film about Florida's hanging chads, by a 30-year-old actor writing his first screenplay.

A man of brilliance and humour now no longer here.

Saturday 24 May 2008

Sir Alan IS Hired

Jenny 'the bitch' Celerier, mentioned this a couple of weeks ago.

Does Sir Salad of Tate and Lyle need to be seated on his own booster seat?

Staff at Virgin Radio have come up with photographic evidence to support, (ahem), this mystery chair without which the old man ensure would not be able to look down on those poor unsuspecting candidates as he fires them.

Look very carefully at the picture, there's a makeshift wooden plinth which increases his seated height by at least three inches thus enabling him to look more dominant. Sir Salad is only 5ft 6 inches tall and he looks tiny in comparison to some of the contestants

The 3ft square inch thick board which stands on inch-thick lifts at its four corners, was spotted by staff at Virgin Radio, who quizzed contestants about it after they left the show. The Beeb then cocked up last week when a quick snapshot showed the platform and the game was up.

A spokesman for The Apprentice insisted the platform is not there to boost Sir Alan's height, but to hold his chair in place.

"Being a swivel chair, there is a wooden frame, bolted to the floor into which the five wheels are sunk – to anchor it for camera positions."

So what about Nick and Margaret's chairs then?

Eurovision Pong Stink Fest

Eurovision is a bit like marmite, you either love it or loathe it.

I watch it EVERY YEAR although there are some acts I cannot bear to watch all the way through and if I do manage to open my eyes I'll watch through my fingers and cringe at the tastelessness of it all.
The favourites tonight are Sweden and Ukraine, two beautiful women who can probably sing and obviously have not gone for the revolting jibber-jabber that some countries have.

Terry Wogan will be talking over the male/female combo who will appear on stage speaking French and English and oh how we will laugh at his terrible jokes at their expense and their terrible jokes too.

Andy Abraham sings second which is deeply concerning. Not only is the UK song bad but being on early makes it even more forgettable.

Some further very good ramblings; http://www.rferl.org/featuresarticle/2008/05/7089B51F-9064-488C-84BC-C3976C821BBF.html

Eurovision Website; http://www.eurovision.tv/splash/index.html

Thursday 22 May 2008

American Idol - And the Winner is?

As we have to wait....Oh OK we are only a day behind the yanks but what the heck. Here's a great review which I tend to agree with the sentiment of.


Oooo I've come over all American.

Am Dram No Thank You Sian!

Do I believe this that Michael has escaped again!

Is he Sir Salad's secret love child or has he incriminating photos of Nick, Margaret and the boss in a threesome fetish?

Whatever the case dear Raefy-bear was fired last night and I am in shock. While I did not expect Raef to win, I certainly did not expect Michael to last longer than him. The show is becoming an oddity but still great to watch and oh last night again showed Lee in his true light......

The man I really liked at the beginning is now the candidate I wish fired even in preference to Michael! Michael lies and saves his skin this is true but Lee is as deep as a puddle, and a follower certainly not a leader. Last night it was Lucinda who showed up the disgraceful side of Lee's personality. We saw this some weeks ago when he bullied Sara. Alex was also a sh*t and the advert won by luck not by judgement because they followed the rules of advertising. The advert was dire dribble, the box was snotty. They had a brilliant name thought up by Lee eventually but if only they listened to Lucinda instead of being 'bothered' by her, they may of had an even better outcome.

'Make sure you put the product you are advertising in the advert and make sure your target audience know what it is you are advertising'

Co-Directors Raef and Michael (who jumped the sinking ship of course) decided to drop the shot of the box of 'I love my tissues' - And nobody loves their tissues by the way; instead they had Sian Lloyd dropping her fake son at a posh school who then met up with his little girl friend with a weird tag line of 'Everyone needs'. Were they advertising childhood sexual relationships? Were they promoting Sian Lloyd? Who knows.

Raef has gone.......Sir Salad of Tate and Lyle was wrong but now for Raef it is back to life with his girlfriend Virginia, back to running his own company and back to looking after his four houses. He only applied for the apprentice to push himself and has fantastic future awaiting him. This is one of his four houses by the way not just one I found on the Internet. Cannot imagine him driving that corsa though?

Saturday 17 May 2008

Dr Who, Agatha Christie And The Giant Wasp

Have I given it away?

Not really the show is called the Unicorn and the Wasp and here is Donna fighting the giant wasp but where is it from?

Tonight’s episode is written by Gareth Roberts, who previously wrote the pseudohistorical episode The Shakespeare Code. Does that tell us any more?
We know that Agatha Christie appears.........But did you know that in 1926, she disappeared for 10 days?

OK most people know this but what went on in those 10 days? Roberts, a self-confessed fan of Christie’s works, has used his vivid and wacky imagination to build a fascinating and light hearted episode of Dr Who magic.

Did dear Agatha have amnesia? A nervous breakdown? Or a giant alien wasp?

Guess what Roberts has chosen. There's a body in the library, (of course) poisoned cocktails, and that bad-tempered giant wasp from another planet. (Hooray)

Not a serious episode this one so expect Catherine Tate to be in her element and David Tennant plays the Dr any which way. However, I'm not sure how to take Dr Who when it's more like a comedy than a sci-fi but then the old shows look comical in comparison to the new ones.

Fenella Woolgar stars as Agatha Christie and also The Good Life star Felicity Kendal stars as Lady Clemency Eddison.

It starts on BBC1 tonight at 7pm.

For clip of the show: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/videos/?episode=S4_07&character=&action=videostream&playlist=/doctorwho/playlists/s4_07/video/s4_07_trl_01.xml&video=1&date=&summary=The%20Unicorn%20and%20The%20Wasp%20Trail.&info=&info2=&info3=&tag_file_id=s4_07_trl_01

Buy George

The Sun has spotted pop legend BOY GEORGE selling £10 T-shirts at Spitalfields Market, East London.

“It’s been all right — quiet today though. I’m bored and cold but we have to do a Friday stall to get a pitch on Sunday.” He told the Sun reporter as he sat looking bored trying to shift the cheap tat.

George faces trial in November for an allegedly assaulting and imprisoning a male escort. He is accused of chaining the man to a wall in his East London flat.
Such a fall from grace........

Russell Watson is Back

There are personalities on TV who show their true character and when earlier this year Russell Watson was diagnosed with a second brain tumour, my heart went out to him and his family. I have empathy for any person in this situation but he is such a lovely bloke with an amazing gift and the great news is that he will be back on out TV screens next month after signing up as a judge on new talent show.

The BBC have brought up the rights for yet another show based on every day people's singing talents but you will have to be part of a choir to stand a chance of appearing on this one.

Last Choir Standing be be fronted by Nick Knowles and oh I think you can guess who I'm going to say is his co host. Yes if it is to do with anything musically highbrow then...... Myleene Klass will be there. Russell and Sharon D. Clarke and Suzi Digby will be the judges on the show who will be trying to find Britain's best choir.

Everyone is said to be equally excited to be appearing on this venture but remember it is not them finding Britain's favourite choir but us Jo Public. So if you are into Barber shop, female voice, or large mixed baroque then it looks like jolly good fun.

Not really my cup of tea. I'm just pleased to hear about Russell.

Lilly Can't Hack It Cannes

She's been spotted with cheeky James Corden (check out Heatworld for an amazing pic of James in an Armani thing...I mean thong; http://www.heatworld.com/Article/5577/James+Corden/The+worlds+going+crazy+for+heat̢۪s+James+Corden+pics!) And has been photographed sunbathing topless (OH WOW who doesn't) with a mystery man. But It looks as though James and the mystery man were not the Mr rights after all and that maybe the reason Lily was spotted downing 20 shots of Akvinta vodka was for dutch courage for what she was about to do next.

"I'm gonna find my husband tonight." Lily declared as she walked into the after lavish afterparty for the film How To Lose Friends & Alienate People wearing a beautiful black Chanel frock but forgot to put on her KNICKERS!
Wonder how the hangover was?

Never The Twain

Another marriage has fallen by the wayside and this time it is American country singer's Shania Twain's 14 year relationship with Mutt Lange.

Shania was raised by her mother and stepfather and was brought up poor in Timmins, a deprived area of Ontario. Tragedy struck in 1987 when both her parents were killed in a car accident and Shania was left to look after her younger siblings. 22-year-old Shania, put her aspiring country career was on hold but had to support the family, so she worked hard by performing for audiences near Huntsville, Ontario.

Her big break happened there and she landed her first contract with her first album. Unfortunately it was not the greatest of showcases but producer Robert 'Mutt' Lange, 17 years Shania's senior, noticed her and took her under his wing. Together, they made Shania a superstar.

Shania and Mutt married in 1993 and they have a six-year-old son called Eja. Like all marriages they have had their rough spots and in 2000 there were rumours about the couple's relationship. Twain disappeared from public life and spent some time in Switzerland. "I needed a break, physically and mentally," she explained of her move. "I needed to leave behind the whole 'Shania' thing and be myself." Eja was born in 2001 and so it is plain to see the couple either dealt with the issues or papered over the cracks.

Sadly Shania and Mutt have now decided to call it quits for good. Shania said in 2007 that she never liked being in the spotlight but it one of those things of being famous isn't it?

No further comment has been made at present. I with both well and hope they can get on for the sake of their child.

It's A Girl...And Another Girl For the Jolie-Pitts

Fresh off the news that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are expecting twins, it has now been revealed that both babies are going to be girls.

Jolie and Pitt are staying at the Carlton Hotel in Cannes while heavily pregnant Angelina is promoting her latest film “Kung Fu Panda” at the infamous French film festival. It was her co-star Jack Black, who let slip that Angelina had two buns in the oven, however no news of the babies sexes has been revealed until now.
A Fox New reporter has now said that the babies will be 'fraternal twins' - non identical female girls and that this information comes from the panda's mouth. Jolie herself mentioned this on Thursday night! Want to know more?: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,356282,00.html

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Mad Michael, Loopy Lindi and The Apprentice Game

It is Apprentice day again and so it is Apprentice gossip time and today it is the turn of that idiot Michael Sophocles who has been enjoying a bit of fun and games with ex candidate Lindi Mngaza.

Yes it is all in the Daily Star people and if you believe this they got together in the evenings while having little drinkies together. Michael chased Lindi, Lindi dumped her boyfriend, which showed her maturity and proves to me what I thought about her. She really was as sensible as a twelve year old.

But what does this say about Michael Sophocles?

Mumblings are that he was also a male escort while at Edinburgh University which answers dear Margaret's question from the boardroom of last week about how Edinburgh may not be the place it used to be. Sorry Scots readers, I love the capital of Scotland myself but there is aways the minority who ruins it for the majority.

Sophocles may be up for a firing tonight but I doubt it. Sir Alan of Sugardom seems to see something in him? All I see is cr*p. Sir Alan has made some poor choices in the past, the Badger should have won over Michelle Dewsbury for instance but let's not dwell on that one. Let's hope he will be sensible today and get rid of Sophocles.
As for the best of the rest?
Lee - fabulous last week cannot see him going yet and dependable to the last and not just because I fancy him
Sara - Oh dear, she is sweet but that is all I can say? I don't know what her motivation is and never have.
Helene - I thought she had winner written all over her in episode one then the real Helene came out and I don't like her. She may well be a very good business woman but you don't have to be a bitch to be a good business woman.
Alex - What does anyone see in this man? He decided to take the lead in week one, wore superman PJs in week two and since then has been a "I do my job", "I give 100%" Yeah, yeah, boring. You stand behind people and let them hang themselves Alex and if you have the opportunity you help them. Hopefully to go soon but I think will make top three.
Raef - Like most of the public he is growing on me. Posh is fashionable and he fits the bill with his weird 1950's accent which must had meant Raef had those 'elocution lessons' you see as optional extras on private school fees. Do I think he could win? Not because of his accent! The funny thing is, I still don't know but like Lee, I know I like him (not fancy!)
Lucinda - Another people are saying could win but I guess it depends on what sort of project Sir Salad of Tate and Lyle wants his apprentice to run? Lucinda has proven herself to be a great leader however an annoying co-worker. I did not expect Simon to win....so who knows?
Claire - The rotweiller, she's got a big mouth, she works hard, she learns from her mistakes. Why couldn't she win? I was not sure about Claire and did not think she had a chance, she's another one who's growing on me, a bit like Ruth Badger and we all know what SHOULD have happened there.

Saturday 10 May 2008

American Idol Red Cards Lil David's Dad

Mr Archuleta has finally stepped over the line over in the Fox Studios and they must know how to deal with difficult people as they've had years of handling Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul.

Jeff Archuleta has been red carded over his constant interfering and has now been told he is not welcome at rehearsals for next week's final.

American Idol's audience figures are down this year by 10% and it is not surprising as it has been a very mundane year of predictable voting - That was until Carly Simpson was booted off a few weeks back instead of Jason Castro! Thank god viewers saw sense and waved bye bye to him this week.

Next weeks final sees David Archuleta, a former finalist from a junior version of American idol called 'Star Search', battle it out with David Cook and Syesha Mercado.

What Amy Did Next?

What's a girl to do when she's stuck in a traffick jam on the M40 on a hot Friday Afternoon?

Sit and wait for the traffic to ease?

No, not when your name's Amy Winehouse. More bizzare behaviour from our Amy wandering around the carriageway, or was it just a case and saying to the press; "Look I know I've got dozens of paps following me so get your shot now?" Possibly, seeing as most of the media are reporting she was 'looking for a lighter for her smokes'. Stands to reason when you have cigs you normally have a lighter with you or at least one in the car?

But then again who knows in the sureal world of Amy and sadly I doubt she is the sort of personality that will be on this world for long. She has more talent in her little finger than some others who make it in 'the business' yet she seems to need sorrow and pain which she has confused with love and life to push her to make her talent work?

Wish this were not the case.

Friday 9 May 2008

Robbie's A Secret Geordie Boys Fan

The Times (and other sources) are reporting further details today on how Robbie Williams only agreed to leave his beloved LA home IF he was presenting an award to Ant and Dec.

Maybe he has a secret passion for short quick whitted northern boys?

As I said yesterday, Catherine Tate should had won the 2005 British Comedy Awards however little Anthony and Declan picked up the award from Williams. Problem was that this award was the "People's vote". Ant and Dec were not up for any other gong and therefore, the organisers of the event had no way of knowing who could possibly win this?

Law firm Olswang found that while Jo Public were still voting, the ever-smiling duo, had already been given the prestigious trophy. Unfair? Oh yes.

"Am I bovered"
Catherine Tate has been unavailable for comment. She has enough brassware to show off and personally speaking, I think she is the Queen of TV comedy.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Ant, Dec And Others, Hit By A Spot Of Bother

ITV has been fined a record breaking£5.68 million by TV watchdog Ofcom.

For taking the michael out us the general public that's why with the rip off premium rate phone lines.

TV shows Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway, Gameshow Marathon and Soapstar Superstar were all found to have "serious editorial issues". Ofcom chief executive, Ed Richards added; "This was a thorough set of investigations which uncovered institutionalised failure within ITV that enabled the broadcaster to make money from misconduct on mass audience programmes."

Seems also Catherine Tate should have won an award that was given to the groaning twosome. This was noted on a separate report but shows the institutional issues which were ingrained within ITV only a short time ago.

Is it any better now?
We can only hope so! But time will tell won't it......

Reports in full.
Ant and Dec Saturday Takeaway: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/08_05_08lwt1.pdf
Ant and Dec Gameshow Marathon: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/08_05_08lwt2.pdf
Soapstar Superstar: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/08_05_08granada1.pdf
ITV1 +ITV2: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/bsp/hi/pdfs/08_05_08itv2.pdf

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Apprentice Night - Literally

The Mail has reported that the two 'Jennys' have been spotted out together. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=564567&in_page_id=1773
As you can see, the delightful (Urrgh) sorry I can't stand the bitch. She rackles my shackles more than katie did last year because at least she was honest about things. Yes I know people think she said things behind peoples backs but NO SHE DIDN'T! Look at the evidence? All of last year's contestants knew what she was like but I digress, today is Apprentice day and tonight the contestants head off to Morroco where two girls hear Sir Alan's legendary words.
Doubt it will be Jenny one and two unless of course the night on the tiles was a big ploy to manipulate the press? Ehem.......

The Apprentice BBC1 Wednesday 9pm
Your Fired BB2 Wednesday 10pm