Tuesday 27 May 2008

The Rottweiler Gone Walkies?

I have a funny feeling that big mouth Claire has finally made her bed after she has now been accused of cheating during tonight's supercars’ task.

The last six candidates, under the ever watchful eye of the scowling Nick Hewer and the cringing Margaret, in which the final lambs to slaughter attempt to rent out ’super expensive’ cars to members of the public.

It has been said that Claire was making secret phone calls to friends off camera in a bid to win more business and this is a clear break of the apprentice rules as all calls whether to friends, family or stranger must be on camera. It is said the others went "Up the wall." But it was all a misunderstanding and once Claire explained all to the show's producers she was let off the hook.

This is an interesting one? Were the other candidates jealous and looking for a way to oust the rottweiler from her kennel? Alex, Lee and Lucinda are on the opposing team and I can see Alex and Lee going spare over any excuse while Lucinda would try and call a meeting to rationalise about it, then demand everyone have counselling and insist that the house change their diets to fully organic vegetarian with supplements of organic multi berries.

My reason for Claire going...........THE BADGER!

She is on You're Fired tonight and Claire is the most like her compared to any other candidate there has ever been. I do not always like Claire's tactics. I think she is shallow but they all are, I'd rather see Claire walk away...sorry waddle because she does doesn't she? ....I'd rather she won over any of those men that are left. The only other woman I would like to win over her is Lucinda and I NEVER thought I would say that at the beginning.

PS AND why has she already got her own website if she has WON the role as Sir Salad's apprentice? http://www.claireyoung.co.uk/

The Apprentice Tonight 9pm


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