Saturday 10 May 2008

What Amy Did Next?

What's a girl to do when she's stuck in a traffick jam on the M40 on a hot Friday Afternoon?

Sit and wait for the traffic to ease?

No, not when your name's Amy Winehouse. More bizzare behaviour from our Amy wandering around the carriageway, or was it just a case and saying to the press; "Look I know I've got dozens of paps following me so get your shot now?" Possibly, seeing as most of the media are reporting she was 'looking for a lighter for her smokes'. Stands to reason when you have cigs you normally have a lighter with you or at least one in the car?

But then again who knows in the sureal world of Amy and sadly I doubt she is the sort of personality that will be on this world for long. She has more talent in her little finger than some others who make it in 'the business' yet she seems to need sorrow and pain which she has confused with love and life to push her to make her talent work?

Wish this were not the case.

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