Wednesday 14 May 2008

Mad Michael, Loopy Lindi and The Apprentice Game

It is Apprentice day again and so it is Apprentice gossip time and today it is the turn of that idiot Michael Sophocles who has been enjoying a bit of fun and games with ex candidate Lindi Mngaza.

Yes it is all in the Daily Star people and if you believe this they got together in the evenings while having little drinkies together. Michael chased Lindi, Lindi dumped her boyfriend, which showed her maturity and proves to me what I thought about her. She really was as sensible as a twelve year old.

But what does this say about Michael Sophocles?

Mumblings are that he was also a male escort while at Edinburgh University which answers dear Margaret's question from the boardroom of last week about how Edinburgh may not be the place it used to be. Sorry Scots readers, I love the capital of Scotland myself but there is aways the minority who ruins it for the majority.

Sophocles may be up for a firing tonight but I doubt it. Sir Alan of Sugardom seems to see something in him? All I see is cr*p. Sir Alan has made some poor choices in the past, the Badger should have won over Michelle Dewsbury for instance but let's not dwell on that one. Let's hope he will be sensible today and get rid of Sophocles.
As for the best of the rest?
Lee - fabulous last week cannot see him going yet and dependable to the last and not just because I fancy him
Sara - Oh dear, she is sweet but that is all I can say? I don't know what her motivation is and never have.
Helene - I thought she had winner written all over her in episode one then the real Helene came out and I don't like her. She may well be a very good business woman but you don't have to be a bitch to be a good business woman.
Alex - What does anyone see in this man? He decided to take the lead in week one, wore superman PJs in week two and since then has been a "I do my job", "I give 100%" Yeah, yeah, boring. You stand behind people and let them hang themselves Alex and if you have the opportunity you help them. Hopefully to go soon but I think will make top three.
Raef - Like most of the public he is growing on me. Posh is fashionable and he fits the bill with his weird 1950's accent which must had meant Raef had those 'elocution lessons' you see as optional extras on private school fees. Do I think he could win? Not because of his accent! The funny thing is, I still don't know but like Lee, I know I like him (not fancy!)
Lucinda - Another people are saying could win but I guess it depends on what sort of project Sir Salad of Tate and Lyle wants his apprentice to run? Lucinda has proven herself to be a great leader however an annoying co-worker. I did not expect Simon to who knows?
Claire - The rotweiller, she's got a big mouth, she works hard, she learns from her mistakes. Why couldn't she win? I was not sure about Claire and did not think she had a chance, she's another one who's growing on me, a bit like Ruth Badger and we all know what SHOULD have happened there.

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